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Great leadership comes in many different shapes and sizes. However, when it comes to effective leadership, there are a few key qualities individuals must have to ensure that their team is making a great impact on their work. Effective leadership means consistency and great communication. Leaders should know that when aiming to be effective, it’s just as important for their employees/colleagues to understand the objective. As a leader is a visionary, a leader must also be able to convey their vision to others so that everyone is on the same accord. Leaders make sure that their business and team are in unison when it comes to projects. Thus, leaders must employ effective leadership for the success and maintenance of their business. 

Having empathy is a great characteristic for everyone to have as it builds interpersonal relationships and brings people closer. In the event of trying to remain “formal,” some businesses ignore the fact that their employees and colleges are people who have a life separate from their work. Effective leaders know when to apply the right pressure and when to give necessary space for their team to collect themselves. Effective leadership calls for empathy, which is having an understanding of how someone else may feel and what they might be experiencing. If a coworker or employee is quiet or their quality of work has been off, an effective leader should inquire in a respectful, personable manner. There’s no telling what a person may be going through in their personal lives, so it’s always important to check in with them. This builds a closer bond and connection between the leader and their colleagues. 

If a leader isn’t confident in their mission, others will also be hesitant. Effective leadership demands a high level of conviction and certainty. People don’t want to follow a leader who isn’t sure, indecisive, or fearful. Leaders have to represent hope and upmost faith in their capabilities. Showing fear or doubt will incite fear and doubt in others, which will make for future obstacles.

Effective leaders can make the best out of a situation. Instead of harping on a lack of resources, effective leaders know how to innovate. They may also utilize technological tools to help advance and maintain their work. For example, video conference calls are innovative if the team is unable to meet in person. These important meetings don’t have to be postponed, nor does the quality of production have to suffer due to any temporary inconvenience. In other words, effective leaders have the will and find away. 

There is no sense in obsessing over mistakes and past failures. Effective leaders only seek to recalibrate and judge objectively to perfect their business model. Seeking a solution to the problem is very important in effective leadership and allows a team to spend more time on making the needed changes.