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Leadership is stressful during the best of times. When things go sideways, your workload can become more difficult in multiple ways. One of them is your role as a leader. How do you set a workplace culture that results in productivity when people are facing difficulties? How do you personally manage your own stress and the stress of the people you’re responsible for at the same time?

The first step to managing your stress levels is acknowledging the added difficulty. From there, leaders manage stress during rough times by staying aware and working each issue through as it arises. Below, you’ll find some tips leaders use to navigate stress.

They Narrow Their Focus
No one can do everything. When times get rough, there will be more unexpected problems that arise. Great leaders prepare for this by narrowing down their own responsibilities. They need to be there for their people and make more time for that and any emergency that arises.

This may mean cutting out some projects that are no longer essential in the current situation. It will include delegating more tasks to other people who can handle them.

They Prioritize Their Work-Life Balance
Great leaders will always be keeping an eye on their work-life balance, but this becomes more important during rough times. It is easier when things become stressful to justify spending too much time on work. However, great leaders can’t afford burnout during rough times. They need to be focused and clear-minded.

This makes taking care of themselves a lot more important. Exercise, healthy eating, meditation, journaling, and time outside are all great ways to lower stress levels and get away from work for a while.

They Lean On Others
A strong support system can make a huge difference in the lives of a leader during stressful times. While they are busy spending a lot of time caring for others, it’s also important they have people they know they can lean on for themselves.

They Are Mindful Of Their Communications
Now’s the time to be there for people. During rough times, it’s important to remind others that you are there for them. This means a great leader will make clear where and when they are open to hearing from people. It means encouraging them to speak up when they have difficulties. It also means using language that helps everyone stay calm and positive.

The better team culture a great leader can create, the more productive everyone will be.